In the world of landscaping and garden design, choosing the right fence can significantly affect both the privacy and aesthetic appeal of an outdoor space. Among the plethora of fencing options available, feather edge fencing stands out for its durability, cost-effectiveness, and traditional appearance. This comprehensive guide aims to explore what feather edge fencing is, its benefits, and why it might be the perfect choice for your garden or property.

What is Feather Edge Fencing?

Feather edge fencing, also known as close board fencing, is a popular style of wooden fencing commonly used in residential properties across the UK. It is constructed by vertically overlapping tapered timber boards that are fixed to a sturdy frame of horizontal rails and vertical posts. This method of overlapping creates a robust and solid fence, providing excellent privacy and security.

Key Features of Feather Edge Fencing

  1. Durability: Feather edge boards are cut diagonally, creating a tapered effect. This unique shape allows water to run off the boards more effectively, reducing the risk of water damage and prolonging the life of the fence.
  2. Privacy: The close-fitting nature of the overlapping boards offers high levels of privacy, making it an excellent choice for boundary fencing.
  3. Customisable: One of the most appealing aspects of feather edge fencing is its flexibility. The fence can be constructed to various heights and painted or stained in any colour, allowing it to fit seamlessly into different garden styles.
  4. Cost-Effective: When compared to other fencing solutions, feather edge fencing is relatively inexpensive, especially considering its durability and longevity.

Benefits of Feather Edge Fencing

Enhanced Privacy and Security

The design of feather edge fences makes them ideal for those looking to create a private and secure outdoor space. The tight overlap of the boards ensures there are no gaps for prying eyes, making it difficult for anyone outside the fence to see in.

Aesthetic Appeal

Feather edge fencing has a classic, timeless look that complements many types of garden designs, from traditional to more contemporary spaces. Its natural timber finish can blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment or be customised with paint or stains to match the property's aesthetic.

Durability and Weather Resistance

Thanks to the shape and installation method of the boards, feather edge fencing is exceptionally resistant to the UK's often harsh and unpredictable weather. With proper installation and maintenance, it can last for many years, resisting rot, wind damage, and wear from the elements.

Eco-Friendly Option

For those concerned with environmental impact, feather edge fencing can be sourced from sustainable timber suppliers. Choosing FSC-certified wood ensures that your fencing materials come from responsibly managed forests, contributing to global conservation efforts.

Installation and Maintenance

Feather edge fencing can be installed as a DIY project if you have basic carpentry skills and tools. However, for best results and to ensure longevity, professional installation is recommended. Here are some tips for maintaining your feather edge fence:

  • Regular Inspection: Check your fence periodically for signs of wear or damage, particularly after severe weather conditions.
  • Painting and Staining: To maintain the appearance and protect the timber, apply a fresh coat of paint or stain every few years.
  • Immediate Repairs: Address any damage or loose boards as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration.


Feather edge fencing is a versatile, budget-friendly, and attractive option for anyone looking to enhance the privacy, security, and appearance of their outdoor space. Its durability and ease of maintenance make it a practical choice for UK homeowners, offering an effective solution to garden fencing needs for years to come. Whether you're starting a new garden project or replacing an old fence, consider the benefits of feather edge fencing for a timeless and sturdy boundary solution.